Friday, June 12, 2009

second tag

Tag From :

If u can be an animal, what will u be??
~~>aq nk jd nk lari ley kalah kan sumer..
If u robbed a bank, what do you want to do with the money?
~~>mula2 aq nk bg anak yaim (bajet baik,,haha)..[astu aq nk blnjer kuarga aq...lastly aq beli sumer bnda y aq nk...hahahahha
If you can teleport urself any where in the world, where do you want to be n why?
~~> kt mekah..teringin sgt nk g saner..klu ley aq ajak sumer family aq...
If you know u're dying, what is the last meal that you want n y??
~~>aq nk mkn ayam jer coz aq gler ayam

If you can kill one person in this world, who is the person n y?
~~>aq nk bunuh sumer pembunuh n org bex jer ade kt dunia ni

If you can date celebrities, who is that person? y?
~~>ct nurhaliza...artis pling cntik dlm dunia..wah....

If you can have only one thing in this world, what should that be and y?
~~> nk jd org terkaya dng brg2 mewah coz aq ley la blagak2 la..hahahahha

If you have the opportunity to tag 7 of ur friends, who are they? y?

zila..fifi n wan,,,sbb dyrg jer la membe aq y ade blog..hahaah